Products & Services

Revolutionizing Visibility

Elevating Experiences with Innovative D/OOH, Ad Tech, and C/X

Creative experience

C/X (Creative Experience) is a carefully considered fusion of captivating narratives, cutting-edge design, and interactive digital media, crafting immersive moments that resonate with audiences. In 2024, AMG ventured into the entertainment sector, securing an IP license to showcase top-notch global artists.

By combining the visual impact of Out of Home media with social media connectedness, C/X ensures engaging, shareable encounters that leave a lasting and favorable brand impression both online and offline.

What We Do

01 Exhibition

A creative experience that will create various events with interesting collaborations with various sectors, one of which is the world of entertainment globally.

02 Entertainment

With this innovation, we will present an event that aims to introduce, promote and exhibit a product, service or work of art to an audience in a way that has never been possible before.

03 Brand Experience

An activity that produces and introduces a brand by providing interesting experiences to the audience.

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